Wall Climbing

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No wonder! When the phrase “wall climbing” strikes your mind you can suddenly feel the chill going down your spine. Basically, wall climbing is an adventure sport which indulges climbing of an artificially constructed wall that possesses grips for hands and feet. Wall climbing is usually indoor sports activities, yet some are located outdoors with majestic natural settings. These artificial walls are constructed with bricks or woods, but the multiplex board is used on most modern walls which are capped with concrete and paint. The wall contains specifically formed t-nut holes to allow wall climbers to grasp hold easily. To imitate the situations of outdoor climbing, few grasps are framed larger than usual and can have different holds shot onto them.

Wall climbing these days is emerging as a famous short adventure sport in Nepal. Previously, wall climbing was just a periphery activity but now it has anchored a solid foothold with climbers rolling in from around the world. But wall climbing isn’t as easy as it seems like. You will require a lot of stamina and wall climbing techniques to be able to scale tricky walls. You will have to use your whole body to tackle and hold the grasp. You can feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins when you’re 40 feet off the ground. Wall climbing can be the best option if you want to polish your climbing aptitudes before reaching out for huge pinnacles or just need to take in some free-climbing skills.

Furthermore, though wall climbing is a physically challenging sport, yet feels like a stress relieving exercise. The more you climb high; you want to reach higher even when you finish the goal. Some of the most popular wall climbing sites of Nepal is Astrek Wall Climbing, and Pashang Lhamu Wall Climbing. Nepal had its first indoor wall climbing sports center in 2002, with the establishment of Pasang Lhamu

Sports Climbing Center.

Astrek Wall Climbing

Situated in the core of Kathmandu city, Thamel, Astrek wall climbing and the Clubhouse is Nepal’s tallest indoor wall climbing spot. With 20 unique courses of climbing, the walls at Astrek wall climbing are 50-meter high offering people a chance to try all levels of climbing. The wall is the shield from rain and sun with a rooftop and the reinforcement generator offers light even during the continuous power cuts. You will be briefed about safety measures and techniques of climbing by trainers before initiating the climb. Experienced staffs are accessible to volunteer you for your straightforwardness. Likewise, Astrek wall climbing also acquires a separate small climbing divider for youngsters. The clubhouse here boats great dishes. Each visitor is charged Rs 250. Other than that, one needs to pay Rs 300 for a set of vital gears. Likewise, Astrek wall climbing also sorts out ascensions close-by Nagarjun each Saturday. A six-day training course on the wall costs around Rs 15,000.

Pasang Lhamu Sports Climbing Center

Positioned at Dhumbarahi, Pasang Lhamu Wall Climbing center is the most seasoned wall climbing center in Kathmandu valley. Named after the first Nepalese woman to conquer Mt. Everest; Pasang Lhamu, this indoor gym climbing can be easily reached through local bus via ring road. The walls here are 10 meters high and equivalently wide with grades from 6a to 7a++. All required climbing gears including climbing shoes, belay gadgets, and chalk sacks, can be bought or leased within the climbing center. The charge to climb is Rs 350 for the day and extra Rs 100 for the rent of gears. The sports center also offers other facilities such as parking, changing rooms and shower.

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