You should arrange to fly into Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu (Airport code; KTM). Please inform us of your flight number and day/time of arrival. Please also make sure we are updated if there are any changes to your scheduled flights.
Obtaining Your Visa Upon Arrival
You will require a visa to enter into Nepal. You can arrange this upon arrival. There are visa application machines on the left hand side as you enter the Airport, which scans your passport and takes your picture. You have to complete your details on the touch screen. You also have to complete an arrivals form, then take the visa receipt and arrivals card to the payment desk. Once you have paid for your visa you take the receipt to the immigration for them to issue your visa.
Your tourist visa can initially be valid for one or three months depending on the length of your stay and can cost up to US$100 for 90 days, it all depends in how long you will be in Nepal for. You can pay in US Dollars, Pound Sterling or Euros. Please have enough currency available on entry to Nepal. You can easily extend every month paying US$2 per day before your visa runs out; each you can stay up to 5 months on a tourist visa. Our local staff will be happy to take you to the immigration office should you wish.
Arrival in Kathmandu
Once you have obtained your visa proceed through to collect your luggage, have your luggage receipt handy to show the security team as you exit the terminal. Unfortunately, due to exceptionally tight security restrictions at the airport, our staff are not able to meet guests inside the airport in person. You will be met at the airport by a member of Epic Adventures outside the arrivals terminal and will be taken to the hotel for your first night or two. (How long you stay will depend on the time/day you arrive and when we are scheduled to depart) At the hotel, you will receive a welcome pack which will inform you when our staff will meet you to carry out your induction. If you arrive on a Friday, you may need to stay one extra day at the hotel, as Saturday is generally considered a day of rest for Nepalis. Normally activities resume on Sunday. Of course, our staff will still be available to you if you need us at all times.
Trip Agenda
The introduction begins at the Hotel where a member of Epic Adventures will go through the trip with you. They will go over all the necessary procedures relating to healthcare, communications, transport, laundry and safety, and answer any further questions you might have. Orientations will cover: Contact with Epic Adventures Office, Accommodation and Placement, Contact Details, Cultural Awareness and Tips, Accommodation Rules, Food and Laundry, Money, Communication, Health & Safety, Local Medical Concerns, Getting Medical Treatment, General Safety Tips, Insurance Claims, Emergency Procedures, Visa Extensions, where to find shops, internet and phone connections and answer any other questions you may have.