Gokyo lake

Things to Do Before You Go to Trekking- Epic Adventures

May 9, 2019
Nepal Travel

Preparation before you go Trekking in the Himalayan region

The majestic Himalayas of Nepal have gathered praise for their mesmerizing beauty for ages. The tiny nation is home to the some of the highest peaks in the world like the Mt. Everest (8848m), Annapurna (8091m), Lhotse (8516m), Dhaulagiri (8167m), Manaslu (8163m), Kanchenjunga (8586m), and many more. Thus, Nepal is globally recognized as the land of the great Himalayas. Along with the great mountains, Nepal boasts wonderful and unique landscapes with lush vegetation all around, the presence of multiculturalism, and the wide array of biodiversity within nature. Nepal is truly a paradise for those who love to trek and seek memorable adventures beneath the glorious Himalayas.

Trekking is the first and most sought out options among those who visit Nepal. Trekking in Nepal can be classified into two major approaches according to the mode of accommodation: teahouse treks and camping treks. Teahouse trek, as the name suggests, is lodging at the comfortable teahouses along the trekking route. Similarly, camping treks allow you to trek and camp at designated sites. Such treks require you to either bring the camping equipment or hire it here. According to the availability of your time, you can also choose to go on short or long treks. Short treks usually take 5-6 days to complete whereas long treks can take up to 20 days or more. The trekking trails also range from easy to difficult; thus, it all depends on what you want. Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Ghorepani Poonhill Trek, Upper Mustang Trek, Langtang Valley Trek, Gokyo Lake Trek, and Manaslu Circuit Trek are a few of the notable treks in the country.

Ghorepani poonhill Trek

Trekking requires preparation. To prepare for it, you can start right away by working on gaining knowledge and getting physically ready. You can start walking or running to improve your cardiovascular capacity. You can also go on short hikes to get used to walking in varying trails. One of the most important recommendations is that you buy proper trekking equipment. Below are some of the key things to do before you go for an adventure into the Himalayas!

Know Your Destination

Everest base Camp Trek
Stunning view of Mountains

When you finally decide to come to Nepal, you should run good research on the country and the trip of your choosing. It will help you if you know about geography and know what to expect. The proper understanding of the trekking trail and the cultural prevalence on those routes help you to have a smooth journey. You will gain the most out of your trek if you know the basics of etiquette and cultural restrictions of the country.

Information on Trekking Route

Mardi Himal Trek
Stunning view from Hills

Nepal has a marvelous geographical diversity suitable for a wide variety of treks. Each trekking route consists of its own specialties and challenges. So, before heading out on your journey, you should know about the trekking route as well. Similarly, having a heads up on the weather can help you to avoid or tackle various circumstances. High altitude trekking brings the risk of various health issues including Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Thus, you must know about the precautions, basic treatment, and medication for such conditions as well.

Book Your Flight Ahead

First and foremost things to do before coming to Nepal is booking your flight a month or two ahead. If you plan to travel during the peak seasons, generally autumn and spring, the flights may be fully booked or the prices may be really high. As these seasons are considered the best times to travel to Nepal, the influx of tourists is very high. It is better to stay on the safe side and book your flight ahead!

Invest in Good Trekking Equipment

Annapurna Base Camp Trek
On the way to Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Investing in proper trekking equipment is also a major aspect of trekking in Nepal. First and foremost, you must get comfortable and durable trekking shoes. In addition, you should also get good quality: sleeping bags, fleece jackets, down jackets, comfortable trekking pants or trouser, windproof jackets and shirts, toiletries, energy bars, torchlight, and maps. If you are planning for a camping trek, you should buy tents and also some portable lightweight utensils. You can get all of this equipment here in Nepal for purchase and rent. 

Do Regular Exercise

Annapurna base Camp Trek
On the way to Annapurna base camp trek

Trekking in the rugged Himalayan terrain can be physically strenuous to your body. To prepare for this challenge, you should have good physical fitness. Furthermore, you can do some basic exercises to improve your cardiovascular abilities. Jogging or walking every day, stair laps with weight, and squats are some of the exercises you can participate in. Do remember that a healthy body can get you sailing through the trek without any difficulties!

Carry With You the Most Important Stuff

Annapurna circuit Trek
Thorong -La Pass

One of the most important parts of packing your bags is to only carry the most important stuff that is needed in the trek. Avoid carrying unnecessary load and items that you will not need. Some of the most important things to carry besides your trekking gears and clothing are medicines, phone, torchlight, etc. It is better to keep these in an easily accessible place so that you can use it right when you need it.

Inform Your Embassy or Consulate

You should contact your embassy or consulate before coming to Nepal as your embassy can provide you with information about specific documents you will need to enter and travel Nepal. They will also help you with the process of your papers and various problems you might encounter while on the trek.

Get Reliable International Insurance

The trekking trails explore the high altitudes and are rugged and steep which makes trekking very risky. While trekking you might come across emergencies or travel woes like theft and trip cancellations. Likewise, Altitude Mountain Sickness (AMS) is a constant threat to high altitude treks. To ensure that you remain unaffected of such situations, you need reliable travel and medical insurance. These international insurances must cover for all the above-mentioned situations including immediate evacuations and helicopter rescues.

Extra Days for Delay or Any Other Contingencies

You should take add extra days in your schedule in case of delays or anything that might disrupt your journey. While trekking you cannot predict any events that may occur. The weather poses great problems during treks and can result in flight delays and cancellations. So, having a couple of days as contingency can come in pretty handy as well.

Nepal has nature’s most beautiful gifts that will leave you in awe. Himalayas, astounding trekking trails and diversity of culture add up to for some of the most enticing treks in the entire world. However, you must always remain wary of the preparations you have to make before undertaking such adventures. Adequate preparation and being mindful of the possible scenarios can help you trek in Nepal with absolute success.

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